Seppelec Group has had the pleasure of participating in the DTI fair Centre, Gulfood Manufacturing and the BrauBeviale 2018.
Drink Technology India 2018
Drink technology India 2018 (dti) is the leading trade fair for beverage, dairy and liquid food industry in India. During October 24th to 26th Seppelec showed his new technology in Sugar Clarification and the new market expansion, thanks to the adquisition of Van Der Molen.
Gulfood Manufacturing 2018
Seppelec Group participated at Gulfood Manufacturing which took place from November 6th till 8th 2018 in Dubai at World Trade Centre focused on dairy, beverage, bakery, confectionery and convenience food industries.
Van Der Molen annunced its range of technological products by bringing them closer to new customers with Seppelec Group.
BrauBeviale 2018
Finally, the Seppelec Group presented our new company structure at the Braubeviale trade fair with the whole Van Der Molen team. From November 13th to 15th , it was a great opportunity to strengthen customer loyalty and show the union of Seppelec know-how and Van Der Molen technology in process engineering.
The Van Der Molen and Seppelec team wants to thank you for visit and be part of this new step driving business together.